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Title: Marine Research, Conservation and Information Center cum Oceanarium
Authors: Garg, Dhruv
Keywords: Management
Issue Date: Jul-2020
Publisher: SPA Bhopal
Series/Report no.: ;2015BARC049
Abstract: The World Bank is assisting Government of India in building National Capacity for Implementation of the new Integrated Management approach for India’s Coastal Zones, and piloting the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) approach in states of Gujarat, Orissa and West Bengal. One of the pilot investments, all located in the Gulf of Kutch, to complement the ICZM plan and capacity building sub-components, includes investments for conservation and protection of coastal resources and establishment of a Marine Resource Conservation and Information Centre (MRCI) envisaged to be developed as an Oceanarium for research, education, information , entertainment and leisure purposes. The MRCI facility is envisaged as a Fifth Generation Walk-Through Oceanarium with a 360o View and housing a wider range of marine species including those naturally occurring in the coastal waters of Gujarat. The Oceanarium is expected to develop a landmark identity for the coastal city of Gujarat which is known presently more as a religious tourist destination. The Oceanarium is expected to fulfil the needs of marine research and conservation, serve as education and information centre for marine biodiversity and attract tourists for entertainment and leisure activities. The MRCI facility is also expected provide for add-on features like dolphin shows, restaurants, theatres for education and information programs, and gift shops. The ocean is a home to billions of microscopic creatures. For ages we have used it as a hunting ground and dumping ground just for our own benefits without thinking what lies beneath it. Now it is a high time everyone needs to realize that beneath the waves lays a vast territory every bit as challenging as outer space. Fishes have an ancient lineage, one stretching to more than 400 million years. The concept of oceanarium was derived from emergence. Emergence, refers to the spontaneous creation of sophisticated behaviours, and functions from large groups of simple elements. Now the question that arises is what is it that emerges, what does it emerge from and how is emergence produced? Flocks of birds and schools of fish produce what appears to be an overall coherent form or array, without any leader or central directing intelligence. Complex patterns and effects emerge from distributed dynamic models of nature. It is the self-organizing capabilities of distributed dynamic systems that produce intelligent behaviour in natural organisms and have major architectural applications.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Architecture

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