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Title: DVT compression device for geriatric patients
Other Titles: designing for comfort and portability
Authors: Krishnan, Mohana
Keywords: Deep vein thrombosis--treatment device
CircuFLEX--DVT compression device
Therapeutic approach
Issue Date: May-2023
Publisher: School of Planning and Architecture
Series/Report no.: 2021MDES009;TH002007
Abstract: Deep Vein Thrombosis is a blood clot that commonly forms in the calf muscle due to its long and narrow veins. Lack of movement, injury, and other factors increase the risk and can cause pain, swelling, and if a clot travels to the lungs, it can be life-threatening. CircuFLEX is a DVT Compression Sleeve that uses air pressure to massage and stimulate limb circulation, helping prevent DVT. It is worn around the calf muscle, replicating manual massage through sequential inflation and deflation. Geriatric patients encounter challenges with compression sleeves, including limited mobility, reduced skin elasticity, and thermal comfort concerns. Discomfort and reduced effectiveness necessitate designing comfortable and accessible compression stockings that address their specific needs, improving their health, quality of life and complimenting their lifestyle.
Appears in Collections:Master of Architecture (Design)

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