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Title: Conservation strategies for koti Banal Style Temples of Uttarakhand
Authors: Singh, Ayesha
Keywords: koti banal, temple style, traditional knowledge, wooden architecture, seismic
Issue Date: Jul-2020
Publisher: School of Planning and Architecture Bhopal
Series/Report no.: ;2018MCO002
Abstract: Koti Banal style of temples are specimens of the traditional architecture of Uttarakhand. The traces of first Koti Banal style of temples goes back to 7th century (reign of Katyuri Rajas) and flourished around the 13th century (reign of Chand Kings). These indigenous practices use deodar wood and schist stone as a material. The layout of these temples either square or rectangle, has a garbhagriha that houses the deity. Its approached through a columnated mandapa. A multi-tiered pyramidical roof, inspired by the iconography of deodar tree, is provided above the shrine in place of a shikhara. The height of these structures is restricted to ground floor with some exceptions reaching up till five floors. Wooden fringes along the eaves, intricate motifs and carvings on doorframe, beams and abacuses of the temples depict wooden craftmanship of region. The rituals and belief system associated with vernacular practices, social, political and economic history are also reflected through temples form, scale, size, materials and facades. At present, the absence of findings, skilled craftsman and recognition, are leading to a reduction in construction, restoration and maintenance of Koti Banal style of temples. In Uttarakhand, there are number of temples of Koti Banal style located in the basin of Yamuna and its tributaries. This region is known as Jaunsar-Bawar and is dedicated to Mahasu Devta. Three such prominent temples, Mahasu Devta Temple of Hanol, Chalda Mahasu Devta Temple of Bisoi and Chalda Mahasu Devta Temple of Jadi are taken as examples. Their association with traditional knowledge system with regard to construction, materials and skills, form a theoretical framework for research and help to set parameters to study and observe, during site surveys and analysis. An archival research, documentation, literature study and research works carried on the Koti Banal Temples in Jaunsar-Bawar region, Uttarakhand also contributed in the analysis. The archival research established that Koti Banal Style have been Conservation Strategies for Koti Banal Style, Temples of Uttarakhand 17 adopted since ancient times for construction of temples and how it influenced the design of Koti Banal Temple in Jaunsar Bawar region. Documentation of the Mahasu Devta Temple in Hanol, Jadi and Bisoi help in understanding the structural system of Koti Banal Temples. The comparative study between the three temples help in understanding the variations that took place over time in Koti Banal Style. The study presents detailed documentation, construction process involved, joinery details, carvings and motifs analysis, the craftsmanship required and methods utilized. Together these aspects bring out the technique, craft, and skill involved in constructing Koti Banal Temples in Jaunsar-Bawar region, Uttarakhand. This will generate awareness regarding the heritage value of these temples and initiate their protection and maintenance. And potentially contributes to the existing traditional knowledge system of Koti Banal technique.
Appears in Collections:Master of Architecture (Conservation)

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