This project is planned as a self sufficient environment where working, living, entertainment,
retail and sporting activities are within 100 m of walking distance from each other, and it not
only provides for sufficient car parking space for its users but also includes a large public
parking area to eliminate the shortfall of the parking space in the entire neighbourhood. The
linear site stretches for 208 m along one of the city’s arterial roads a few blocks away from
the coastline that runs parallel to it. The complex programme of the site involves the rehousing
of 227 residential units. Total site area is 3.65 acres with 50% of ground coverage
and having 6 FAR, benefited through the sea front development. Along with numerous
features to create sustainability, this project is a benchmark for urban renewal where all types
of spaces are designed with in the project to create a complete environment as a micro city
within the city. Residential areas are concentrated within the sub urban areas of cities far
from the basic facilities of human needs. Children fight to go to schools everyday and
medical facilities are not in the appropriate reach. This project is a quest to find out the
solution for the above problems. Providing opportunities for every single inmate to explore a
new city within the city where every facility are under reach like medical facilities, school,
retailing shops, dwelling units, parks etc. The study is meant to understand the function of a
micro level city, a self sustainable city. Explore the possibilities of nature. Growing cities are
also affecting nature; we need to look on the aspects of respecting the nature by introducing a
micro city which sustain on its own in a sense of natural sustainability also.