Wetlands complex of Munj Sagar lake Dhar in Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh has historical significance in the city. The complex is a man-made wetland built in 993 AD by Raja Munja and this complex is the largest source of water in the city responsible for recharge tube wells and irrigation for agriculture in the area. The wetland complex is recognized by EPCO as water stressed type1 urban lake. The elevation of the lake is 555m from the sea level and is approx. 49.59 ha. The region is bounded by Vindhya ranges and is the major sub-catchment of Chambal River. The catchment of the lake is having urban setting and agriculture land and has historical monuments around it.
The rapid urbanization is transforming the essence of many historic urban landscapes. In the past decades increase in urban population, urban settlements have become centers and drivers for economic growth as a result the landscape have come under a large array of new pressure and transforming urban areas and their setting which may cause fragmentation and deterioration to urban heritage. (MOEF&CC, 2019) (Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape. 2011)
Wetlands are essential for human well beings’ economic security and climate change mitigation and adaptation. Urban wetland is subjected to anthropogenic pressures, including land use changes in the catchment, pollution from the industries and households, encroachments and tourism leading to imbalance in ecology of the wetland system. (MOEF&CC, 2019)
Urban heritage is the social, cultural and economic asset for the humanity with an layering of historic values. HUL approach is the part of local policy in many western countries organizations like European Landscape Conventions and ICOMOS General Assembly has adopted this approach and have define the strategies to address it. (Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, 2011)
HUL approach is the need of the hour for management of Historical Urban Landscape with high heritage value. This study approach will acknowledge the need for in-depth understanding of the integration of wetland restoration with the perspective of Historic Urban Landscape. The research outcome of the study approach towards the notion of setting and urban sustainable development considering social and economic function of historic cities.(Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape , 2011)