Sikkim is recognized as global biodiversity hotspot. With the record of 689 species that
comprises 50% of the species found in India subcontinent, the diversity of butterfly in
Sikkim is very high considering its small geographical area.
There are 680 species of butterflies recognized till now. This butterflies are becoming
endangered thus they need to be protected.
The Butterfly Reserve in Sikkim is thus propesed to protect this species of butterfly and
promote awareness about the environment. The project aims to be a celebration of this
winged creature, found in abundance in the region. Owing to the high variation in
vegetation and climate and its unique geographical location, Sikkim represents one of the
butterfly hotspots in the world. In the design proposal the spaces are designed according
to the life cycle of butterflies, the design displays the four stages of the butterfly in
different places out of which three stages has separate structures, starting from eggs,
larvae, cocoon and butterflies. The circulation and placing of the blocks are following the
same cycle. The interpretation centre and museum are added as extension of the project to
study and get aware about the facts, histories and details about each species of butterfly
found in Sikkim.