The history of hotels is intimately connected to that of civilisations or rather it is a part of
that historical period. Facilities offering guest hospitality have been in evidence since
early biblical times. The idea of banqueting is ancient. In the 16th century, a banquet was
very different from our modern perception and stems from the medieval 'ceremony of the
void'. After dinner, the guests would stand and drink sweet wine and spices while the
table was cleared, or ‗voided‘. (Later in the 17th century ‗void‘ would be replaced with
the French dessert‘.) During the 16th century, guests would no longer stand in the great
chamber whilst the table was cleared and the room prepared for entertainment, but would
retire to the parlor or banqueting room. As the idea of banqueting developed, it could take
place at any time during the day and have much more in common with the later practice
of taking tea. Banqueting rooms varied greatly from house to house, but were generally
on an intimate scale. A metropolitan banquet hotel is a rich space for exploration in hotel
fiction of the 19th and 20th centuries due to the interesting connection with both the city
and the home, and its positive and negative effect on the individual. In these types of
hotels the entire series of public areas or banquets is served by a well-planned service
core. The hotel design is defined through the understanding of specified user/commodity
required. Successful banquets require and extensive planning, organizing,
communication, control and coordination. The concerned design proposal here aims at
creating an iconic Banquet hotel for GTK Road with lavish Star properties. The hotel
design here not only concentrates on robust and efficient space planning, but also on the
aesthetic values which define modern day hospitality ethos. The design idea revolves the
concept of ‗TIME‘ from which cues have been taken for planning as well form
development of the building.