Like every coin has two sides the urbanization is also showing the consequences by
taking toll on the urban infrastructure. Urban streets are not spared from the ill effect
of urbanization. As a result of which the operating condition of road available to the
commuter decreasing day by day. The urban road networks in recent times are badly
suffering from the problems like decreasing speeds, increasing congestion, increased
travel time, and decreased level of service and increase in accident rates. So available
urban transport network need to be utilized more efficiently which can achieved by
proper management of traffic flow in urban networks. I have chosen LOS to determine
the existing traffic condition on a particular stretch in VIJAYAWADA.
In India Level of Service (LOS) is not well defined for urban streets. The analysis
procedure followed in India is that developed by HCM 2000. Speed ranges of LOS
categories for various urban street classes defined by HCM are appropriate for
developed countries having homogenous type of traffic flow. India being a developing
country its traffic is very much heterogeneous having vehicles of different operational
characteristics. So LOS criteria in Indian context should be defined correctly
considering the traffic and geometric characteristics of urban streets. Defining LOS is
very important as this is the first step of LOS analysis. In this report I defined LOS for
NH-5 which is passing through the core part of the city using three parameters delay
at intersection, average speed and v/c ratio and at the same time tried to compare the
results obtained from these parameters with USER PERCEPTION study. User
perception is basically the direct interaction with users and asking them to rate the
LOS on a scale of A-F. The data such as delay at intersection, average speed and
traffic volume counts are collected through primary survey. After the data is collected
the LOS is defined using the mentioned three parameters. The results are found to be
significantly lower than that mentioned in HCM-2000. Heterogeneous traffic flow and
roads having varying geometric and surrounding environmental characteristics are the
major reasons for this lower Level of Service. The high share of commercial vehicles,iii
Assessment of level of service and suggestion for major arterial roads in Vijayawada
private vehicles and the existing land use are the main reasons behind this low Level
of Service. It can be suggested that this NH-5 passing through Vijayawada needs
substantial geometric improvements to mitigate the demand of exponentially growing