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Conservation plan of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway – a UNESCO world heritage site : (Darjeeling – Kurseong and Tindharia – Rongtong)

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dc.contributor.author Mazumder, Saptarshi
dc.date.accessioned 2020-10-16T07:14:00Z
dc.date.available 2020-10-16T07:14:00Z
dc.date.issued 2017-05
dc.description.abstract Modes of transport always play a very crucial role in the lives of human beings. In the 20th and 21st centuries, the definition of transport has changed a lot due to the rapid interventions, evolutions, innovations and other sorts of creative changes, modifications and alterations in the fields of science and technology. In addition to this, the diversity of professions and their places in the lives of human beings have also taken a new turnaround. Remarkable events and tragedies like the Industrial Revolution, the two World Wars, the Cold War and others have altered the socio-economic scenario also quite a lot in this respect. If each and every mode of transport and its corresponding purpose is looked at properly and with a scientific cum technical vision, then we will come to know very well that each and every one of them has its own source and origin of discovery and invention several decades or centuries back. After that, they have undergone so many types of evolutions, changes, modifications and such other processes that most people who have always witnessed its function and have been responsible for its maintenance and similar roles have forgotten its source of origin and other sorts of precious values associated with it. Besides the source and origin in terms of its invention or discovery, the common people often forget the actual purpose for which the aspect was invented, discovered or created and also the media, which have always been directly or indirectly associated with it. For instance, the fuel, the associated machinery and other mechanical components make up the most crucial medium. This is because without the fuel, the mode will be inactive and the machinery associated will not work. This is the place where the parameter of engineering, science and technology comes into play. Besides this, after the invention and discovery, due to so many number of evolutions at different times, the technically sound, educated engineers and other similar technical personalities get confused in between the methods, procedures and techniques of maintenance, repair and preservation. Similar concept applies to the purpose also. In most cases, it is seen that the original purpose for which any mode of transport was invented or discovered has been either forgotten or neglected throughout times. As a consequence, crucial changes and paradigm shifts have come upon the beliefs, thoughts and sentiments of the communities, castes and societies of particular regions, who have been widely dependent upon the particular mode of transport throughout different times and ages. In many instances, it is seen that with the starting of newer professions and industries like modernized methods of shopping, selling and other such commercial activities, tourism, newer modes of global communication, society, community participation and interaction since the middle of the 19th century, the older essence and value of the actual purpose have gradually lost their colour and vigour. Somewhere, a gap has been created comprehensively which most often the elders of this generation refer commonly to as the ‘generation gap’. Along with the mode of transportation, another very crucial issue and parameter of human civilization has been the shelter for mankind. Human beings and other living creatures have always been in search of a proper shelter characterized by a proper roof and surrounded by optimum quality walls where he or she can lead his or her life in a safe and protected manner. With the passing of ages and the diversification of mankind’s lifestyles, professions and other such innovations, the definition of shelter has also changed drastically. There used to be an age and era when human beings used to make and frame up their shelters by their own and gradually, after a series of evolutions and socio-economic paradigm shifts in the lives of human beings, an age has come now when people most often appoint separate professionals and personalities for making shelters of various kinds. With the diversification of professions and modes of lifestyles, the concept of settlements have come to become associated with most of the jobs and phenomena, among which transportation and communication also comes. Therefore, architecture plays a very crucial role alongside engineering, science and technology. If considered in a much comprehensive, thorough and detailed manner in terms of all minute parameters like tradition, land use, weather, climate, food, commerce, economy and other such broad issues, it will be seen that planning goes hand-in-hand with architecture in the proper operation and functioning of any mode of transport. The management framework and structure stands strong and firm and without it, nothing can go well. This is because for any function, procedure and phenomenon to occur, there needs to be an administrative body or organization for the purpose of monitoring, supervising and co-ordinating the various all types of works, programmes, operations, initiatives and all other sorts of events that take place within and without the body controlling the mode. Various types of changes in the various fields have come up normally with their monitoring and supervision only. Largely and comprehensively, the economy, commerce, trade, society, agriculture and other such socio-economic parameters are directly dependent upon them for all sorts of alterations, changes, modifications and additions. With the passing of ages and generations, the minds, thoughts and beliefs of these people have also undergone very broad and large-scale changes. The way and procedures of thinking over any certain issue in this age has not at all remained so that it was several centuries before. Now before and after thinking and working upon any certain issue or matter, one has to consider several other parameters quite a lot like politics, religion, race, caste, creed and other such humanistic factors as they have all undergone transitions in definitions throughout ages. Right since the beginning of this research discussion, we have been discussing that there has always been a big issue of forgetting and creation of a gap and hollow space in between the actual beginning or source of any invention or discovery and its present standstill after several centuries after going through numerous innovations, alterations, interventions and other such scientific and technical shifts. The very crucial and unavoidable concept and phenomenon of ‘heritage’ always raises its head somewhere. Both the technically minded people as well as the common people can in no way deny its value anywhere and have to embrace it for the preservation and restoration of the cultural and other associative values of any particular aspect. It can only help us to understand and get a clear and detailed, thorough idea of the pride and honour associated with the aspect. Besides this, it will also tell us historically, what was the actual purpose and aim behind the creation and movement of the making of a particular transport body or organisation irrespective of the mode which it supports. After that, we will also come to know what all reformations and turnarounds have taken place in the traditions, customs, beliefs and other such factors of the lifestyle of human beings since then and comprehensively, what all have been the reasons responsible behind them. Meanwhile, we will also think upon the fact that what all merits and demerits have been caused on and off due to these changes and reformations. The various historical, social, economic, cultural, architectural, technical, scientific, engineering and other such associated values will also be understood. Correspondingly, the common people as well as other miscellaneous professionals and personalities like engineers, architects, archaeologists, historians, geographers, planners and others will also gradually come to know, understand and thereby, develop an interest, affection and positive urge towards bringing about a sense of protecting, restoring and conserving all types of heritage assets and the values associated with it. Therefore, the forthcoming future generations will also develop a similar sense for protecting their heritage by witnessing and observing it and also enjoying the privileges and benefits associated with it en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher SPA, BHOPAL en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries TH000740;2015MCO009
dc.subject MCO2015 en_US
dc.subject Conservation en_US
dc.subject Darjeeling Himalayan Railway en_US
dc.subject UNESCO world heritage site-Darjeeling Himalayan Railway-Conservation plan en_US
dc.subject Conservation Plan- Himalayan Railway-Darjeeling en_US
dc.title Conservation plan of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway – a UNESCO world heritage site : (Darjeeling – Kurseong and Tindharia – Rongtong) en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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